Sunday, September 23, 2012

Today is Sunday...


Today is Sunday…All across The United  States and the world, Christians are celebrating Mass, listening to their pastors and teachers, singing hymns of praise and worship, to the One God, and asking forgiveness for everything from white lies to assault. A lot of the preaching and teaching was the usual, stuff of love, forgiveness, doing good to others and giving charitably to those in need. Along with the usual and expected messages from the pulpits, came a different message in some churches. The preaching included messages about morality. Some were strident, some were matter of fact, but all were heartfelt.

Even in the stridency of some preachers, teachers and priests, there were no calls for murder and bloodshed. There were no calls for members to commit suicide and take as many unbelievers (i.e. infidels) with them to their graves as possible. No promises that the Almighty would reward them with perpetually young, virgin women and little boys available to ‘serve’ their every ‘need’. There weren’t any calls to humiliate those of other faiths, nor were there, I’m certain, calls to burn, to rape, and to pillage the belongings of unbelievers.

It’s no secret that fundamentalist and evangelical Christians are against the practices of homosexuality, pre-marital sex, adultery, drunkenness and drug abuse. They are against abortion and for protecting the rights of the most helpless members of society, whether that person is an unborn child, one who is disabled, an elderly person in poverty, or a family unable to find work.

Some may point to isolated incidents of murder against abortion providers. Some may point to incidents of assault against homosexuals. However, no one can point to a legitimate Christian church or Synagogue for that matter, and accuse them of calling for violence against any group or individual. That is not to say that some misguided, degenerate, sociopaths do not use Christianity as an excuse or rationalization for evil deeds. Most of us are familiar with Westboro Baptist “Church”, the infamous family run cult that thrives on hatred. If anyone is foolish or hateful enough to use them as a generalization of Christian practice, belief, or conduct, well, there’s no point in even engaging them in rational dialog. If that’s you then please leave this page.

Two days ago, that would be Friday, people in every corner of the world, gathered together and listened to their Imams. The message was against the decadence of the “West” and the obligation of every Muslim to engage in Holy War against the Great Satan, (that would be the U.S. folks). Old men call for young men to die in order to build the reputation of that particular Imam as a holy warrior and powerful preacher of The Prophet. Many things are said within the walls of the mosque, different things are said in public, especially when talking with we kafirs (infidels) and they are very careful when speaking to the media. The media, very useful to Muslim leaders and other enemies of liberty, must be given an opportunity to maintain willful ignorance. As in politics, the media needs to have proper talking points or the whole façade of impartiality will melt away. We don't expect reporters to report anymore, just to repeat what they've been told, then publish it under the guise of news rather than what it really is. This latest breed of journalists, are unashamed at spouting propaganda in the guise of news and their handlers know it. This is all done according to the agenda and ideology of the particular outlet they work for, New York Times, Washington Post, Huffington Post, ABC, CBS, NBC, PMSNBC, MSN etc. etc.

You see, the Quran teaches that it’s very wrong to lie or dissemble about facts when dealing with fellow Muslims. The Quran also teaches that it is okay to lie to an infidel (that’s us) and even requires one to do so, if it furthers the cause of Islam. If Muslims did not dissemble about the teachings of Islam, people in the West wouldn’t have a good night’s sleep until the problem of how to deal with hundreds of thousands of people in their own communities that would gladly slit their throats, in the name of Mohamed, was dealt with.

Nevertheless, it's better to live with Muslims in the community than those backward and barbaric Christians. Remember that wonderful work of art that consisted of an upside down crucifix in a glass of the photographer’s (Andres Serano) urine? How about the Virgin Mary made with elephant dung (byChris Ofili)? Both works, by the way, paid for with American tax dollars (I'm pretty sure that Christians pay taxes too.) I'll never forget the riots and murders of dozens of innocent artists and bureaucrats from the National Endowment for the Arts. I thought those maniacs would burn every art museum in the country. That was nothing though when compared to the infamous events following the release of Scorsese's Last Temptation of Christ, which depicted Jesus Christ having sex with Mary Magdalene. Hollywood was terrified as one pronouncement of fatwa after another was made. The car bombings at theatres in major cities throughout the country shook the U.S. to its foundations as the death toll reached into the thousands. I understand that Martin Scorsese is still in hiding. Oh, wait, that didn't happen. Instead, Christians were vilified for not appreciating the artistic merit of the works and called Neanderthals for being so backward. They were accused of wanting to do away with the first amendment (which was written with this very kind of art in mind, or was it for verbal and written communication? I wish I could put myself in the mindset of the founders.) All because they protested the use of tax money to promote that kind of 'art'. Let's not forget the chocolate drenched nude performers or the 'Vagina Monologues’, either. Eve Ensler, of 'Monologue' fame, was probably laughing all the way to the bank. I know that my children and I have been enriched by these and similar artistic projects.

Yes, Islam is a religion of peace! The peace comes, philosophically enough, when all people everywhere are either Muslim or under Muslim subjugation. Murder, rape, theft, &c. are evils to be punished severely! Unless they are committed against we kafirs. The penalties are rather harsh for violating some Sharia (laws). The stoning of adulterous women is preached, condoned and practiced. Even in the case of rape, a woman is held responsible for seducing a man by her immodesty, which in some in some way, shape or form tempted an otherwise righteous male beyond his ability of self-control. In other words, she asked for it. Her own husband or father may kill her for the sake of his ‘honor’. Pre-marital sex is dealt with in much the same way. The idea of mass murder is repugnant to most of us decadent Westerners as is the sexual violation of others. Those practices are condoned, taught and encouraged in Islam, if it is done against infidels (kafirs). This includes sodomizing men and women, either as a stand-alone act or in conjunction with murder. Much like Ambassador Stevens and other degenerate Westerners. ( Stormfront BritainUK Newslinks)( The religious rational? Good Muslims should do these things to infidels in order to degrade and humiliate them. Beheading with a rusty knife is not metaphor or exaggeration, it is done and it takes a long time. In that way, they, the kafirs, will realize that they are grievous sinners and realizing the error of their ways will turn to the one true faith, as revealed by Allah and taught by His prophet. Get the logic? It’s a tool for evangelizing the unbelievers. ( Forget soup kitchens, food banks, shelters, street corner preachers and pamphlets, no need for all of that.) Now do you see the error of you ways? If you were a Muslim, you would be under the protection of God but since you are not…

Well, it’s Sunday, and right about now a whole lot of decadent American infidels are attending church. I’m not sure exactly what they’ll be hearing but I know that almost all of them will be praying for friends, family and their country. Many people will take advantage of the time off work and spend it with family and friends. A lot of other Christians around the world will be praying for safety and the right to be Christians. Too bad Jesus said to turn the other cheek.

I wonder just what was said Friday in American Mosques? I’m pretty sure I know what was said in the Middle East. “Thank Allah for the Arab Spring that has given us the freedom to do as we will and thanks be for the will of Allah, that made our friend the leader of the Great Satan.” “We can do as we will without fear now, thanks to the wisdom of the Almighty in placing our benefactor at the head of our greatest enemy! Allahu Akbar!!” Who knows, maybe the same kind of message was preached here in the heart of the decadent West. “Nahh, couldn’t be, not here, they appreciate us for being so open and accepting of other cultures and ways of life. After all, we welcome them with open arms, apologize for being who we are and patiently work to allow their laws to be respected and considered in our own courts. We certainly don’t want anyone to say bad things about us, so we say them about ourselves. Especially those awful narrow minded white Christian bigots. We’re not like them, holding on to our guns and Bibles. We don’t cling to those outmoded moral virtues like chastity, modesty, civility, independence, self-sufficiency and patriotism. We, are enlightened. We are so enlightened that we despise western culture and values, and embrace all things not us.” A little too long for an epitaph, but fitting nonetheless.



Friday, September 21, 2012

So here I am, another day in Neo-Utopian state of Obamaland, disappointment, fear, disgust, and above all, an overwhelming sense of grief for my country are the over arching themes for today. First, the anger; what has been done to my country has been done purposely. She has always had enemies, both external and internal. We fought the British, and we overcame all odds against the superpower of the day. Aaron Burr and his military accomplice, commander in chief of the army at New Orleans and governor of the Louisiana Territory, General James Wilkinson were out maneuvered. He had some pretty nasty plans for America but lost out to the forces of democracy and freedom. The Revolution cost thousands of everyday people their lives, livelihoods, health and more. Patriot leaders sacrificed fortunes in support of liberty and their only reward was that we remember them, or at least used to.

Alexander Hamilton lost his life in a duel to Burr who, essentially took advantage of a political situation and plotted his revenge against his most outspoken critic. The Civil War, which cost hundreds of thousands of American lives during hostilities and thousands more from starvation, sickness and other deprivations afterward, was fought over two American ideals, self-determination and limited government versus freedom for all people and the authority of central government over the states. Don't believe the historical revisionists that try at every opportunity to defame our country. That war was fought against slavery and defended by believers in the rights of people to govern themselves at a local level. Very few Southerners owned slaves or were willing to shed their blood to defend the practice, but they, like their revolutionary forefathers, were willing to bleed and die to keep the federal government from becoming what it did. They foresaw something that following generations didn't and now we see the price of a Northern victory every time we wish to excersize our liberty in some meaningful way.

 So…What a country! The North fought to free slaves and the South fought to stay free. Too bad they didn’t realize just how much common ground they had. Instead they left it to the power brokers who’s motives, as usual, were nefarious at best. The other wars we fought were a mixed bag, but World Wars, One and Two, were fought for liberty. The reasons were complex but that’s the truth. Even Vietnam was fought for freedom, at least in the hearts and minds of  those on the ground. Younger people may not believe it but be assured that the Cold War was real and America was at risk. The only thing wrong with the Senator McCarthy hearings was that the man just went too far and turned a righteous cause into a neo fascist operation. Overall though, he was right and anyone with enough courage to look at the facts instead of listen to the revisionists will find it so.

            Now the country has a new enemy, the “Progressive Movement” former communists, socialists and other America haters. They have a powerful ally in Washington D.C. and we, my friends, are in serious trouble.

Historical revisionism has been so successful that we, who teach the truth, are now forced to revise the revisions in order to set the record straight. The socialist self- haters in academia have taken over the education of our youth and have been successful for a generation. Is it any wonder then that we see the natural idealism of American youth twisted into grotesque things like ‘Occupy’, or that we see them protesting against their own country’s best interests, which by the way kids, is your best interest too. There is nothing wrong with looking out for national interest, every country in history has done it and will continue to do so, until now. Now we are under the leadership of the Caliph In Chief. The next time you see some old hippie or one of the Silver Ponytails that have taken charge of our institutions, be sure to thank them for being so much more able than we are to run our lives. Don’t forget to show your gratitude for their willingness to do so. Perhaps we should have a Hug a Comrade Day or appreciate your government Apparatchik Day. Whether they serve the state by teaching our children, taking our taxes and fees, or enforcing Federal law, slip them a bribe or just say, “Иметь хороший день!” (Have a nice day!)

This just scratches the surface of what frustrates me on a day to day basis. I know that I’m not alone here and even if I was, I wouldn’t change what I do or say one iota. Time presses for now but I will be back, unless this blog ‘disappears’ like the last one did, then I’ll be elsewhere under the same title, I hope. You never know, I may become one of the many American born citizens to be held under the “Patriot” act. (Does that mean it’s for the protection of patriots or the suppression of patriots, hard to tell these days.)